Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Socialism Destroyed

Seeing Through The Media/Obama Spin

Ahead of Fridays Jobs report, it is import for everyone to prepare to see through the deception that the Obama administration will release, and look deeper into the raw data. As an example, lets consider last months numbers. The media/Obama touted a creation of over 160,000 jobs, yet looking closer we see that 348,000 individuals left the workforce in July, thus wouldn't be counted into the unemployment numbers, the civilian labor force decreased by 150,000, and those officially unemployed rose by 45,000. You do the Math. Another month of job loss to add to the over 12,000,000 already out of work and over 23,000,000 out of work or underemployed. The labor participation rate dropped to 63.7%, it was above 66% when Obama took office...the employment to population ration also dropped to 58.4%, it was 63% when Obama took office. U-6 unemployment rose to 15% from 14.9%. Numbers don't lie. Be ready to see Fridays report for what it will be, a failure.

A Debt Crisis

Massive debts are not the product of a capitalistic economy, but one in which government becomes too involved in the nations economic system in the name of caring for others.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mr. President, Get Your Facts Straight

The recent attempts to distort Romney's record on Abortion is such a flat out lie. It's important to get the facts right. Romney's Abortion Stance

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Still Wanna Spread The Wealth Around?

Major Doctors Shortage

43% of Doctors say they are considering retiring within the next five years as a result of Obamacare. How do we expect Obamacare to work when there will be a major shortage of doctors to "attempt" to implement it? MAJOR DOCTOR SHORTAGE

Healthcare Crisis

"The only ways to expand Medicaid are to raise taxes, cut other state programs, or slash health care providers’ reimbursements in Medicaid even more. And so far, the majority of America’s governors have said they won’t do it." -Heritage Foundation States Should Wait Before Accepting Obamacare

The Forgotten Constitution

It's sad that people today don't understand the sacrifices that were made to create/protect/defend the Constitution of The United States. People today have no clue what's happening to their country. We as a generation put the Founding Fathers to shame. An uneducated nation, is a nation susceptible to socialism.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Virginia Surge

Many believe President Obama's recent endorsement of same sex marriage could cost him in key swing states such as North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. I myself hold to this view, and the polls are starting to support such a stance. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll conducted today, June 4, 2012, shows Romney and Obama tied at 47% a piece in the State of Virginia. Compare that to a Washington Post poll conducted May 3, 2012 which showed Obama besting Romney 53% to 41%, and you will see a 6% increase for Romney, and a 6% drop for Obama. Nonetheless, Virginia is going to be a tough state for Romney to capture. Obama's team has spent a great deal of time setting up a solid infrastructure, and due to his wide appeal to minorities, there is always the chance that more minorities than usual could go to the polls November 6, just like they did in 08. Much of that rest on Obama's ability to fire up minorities across the board. As of today however, that simply wouldn't happen. In fact, the American Black Pastors movement is coming out hard against Obama due to his gay marriage support, and it is well document that a large majority of African Americans oppose same sex marriage (70% backed proposition 8 in California). Any minor decrease in turnout due to a building disdain for Obama's recent change of heart regarding gay marriage could cost the Democrats the election.

Weekend Update

Just a quick weekend analysis here...The next few polls will be very key into determining just how important the economy will be in this race. With the recent release of the jobs numbers which saw registered unemployment rise to 8.2%, it is key to see how the American electorate reacts. Initial polling issued by Rasmussen Reports (which runs on a 3 day rolling average) saw Romney surge ahead to a lead on Saturday after being down by 3 to 4 for the previous weeks, besting Obama by a 4% margin, 48% to 44% . Sundays numbers remained identical. Heading into the week, the key will be to see if the Romney campaign can effectively capitalize on the less than spectacular jobs numbers and continue to increase their way to the 50% mark, or even hold their current lead, or to see if team Obama can spin these numbers in their favor, thus once again inching ahead. If the economy is as important as the polls show, Romney should be in for a good couple of weeks.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Romney Away From the Campaign Trail

Swing State Polling The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Ohio Voters for May 31, 2012 shows Romney with 46% support to Obama’s 44%. Six percent (6%) like some other candidate, and five percent (5%) remain undecided. The NBC-Marist College Colorado poll for May 31, 2012 shows Barack Obama attracting 46% of the vote, while Mitt Romney attracts 45%, 8% remain undecided. The NBC-Marist College Iowa poll for May 30, 2012 shows a 44% tie between Both major candidates, while 10% remain undecided. The NBC-Marist College Nevada poll for May 30, 2012 shows Barack Obama attracting 48% of the vote, while Mitt Romney earns 46%, 5% remain undecided.

New National Polling Data The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday June 2, 2012 shows Mitt Romney picking up 48% of the vote, while President Obama attracts 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. The Gallup Polling Institute 7 day rolling average poll for Saturday June 2, 2012 shows Barack Obama attracting 46% of the vote, while Mitt Romney attracts 45%. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll for May 31, 2012 shows Barack Obama attracting 49% of the vote, While Mitt Romney attracts 46%.

The State of the Middle Class Under President Obama

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nevada GOP Caucus Polling

Mitt Romney 45%
Newt Gingrich 25%
Rick Santorum 11%
Ron 9%

Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow

New Polling Data

2012 Arizona Republican Primary

Romney 48%
Gingrich 24%
Santorum 13%
Paul 6%

2012 Michigan Republican Primary

Romney 38%
Gingrich 23%
Santorum 17%
Paul 14%

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Florida Predictions

Tonight is the night for Mitt Romney. Tonight, he will not only win Florida, but win big. This will then make him virtually unbeatable in the Republican Primary. Look for Romney to follow up todays potential win with a major victory in Nevada on Saturday. Here are the predictions.

1st- Romney (42%-47%)
2nd- Gingrich (27%-32%)
3rd-Santorum (12%-17%)
4th-Paul (7%-11%)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nevada '12 General Election

Mitt Romney 49%
Barack Obama 38%

GS Strategy Group Poll

South Carolina Predictions

With only hours before votes begin to be counted, a major shift has taken place in South Carolina within the last week. Romneys large lead has faded, and Gingrich has risen to the top with two strong debate outings. The unfair attacks on Romney for his taxes (no other candidate has ever been asked to release all of their taxes this early. Paul and Santorum have not released thiers, yet are not getting the same treatment) have strongly damaged him. Romneys pure inability to counter attack the liberal minded claims coming from his Republican rivals have greatly hurt his campaign. With that said, this should serve as a turning point in the campaign making this a two man race between Romney and Gingrich heading into Florida, a state where Romney currently leads by double digits. Here are tonights predictions.

3rd-Ron Paul
4th-Rick Santorum

It must be stated that if under some circumstance Romney were to win South Carolina, he would have the nomination in the bag going forward. This is a must win for Gingrich. Best case for him would be a win by more than 8% and getting more than 37% of the vote. Romneys campaign has set a target of 33-34%. If they reach that than they met expectations set by the media and shouldn't lose too much ground heading into Florida. If Romney fails to get more than 30%, he will be forced to deal with a Gingrich bounce in Florida. However, expect a suprise in the days leading up to the contest. An endorsment by Conservative Florida Senator darling Marco Rubio for Mitt Romney.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Candidate Obama vs. President Obama: Change We Can Believe In?

National Republican Primary; Mitt Romney pulling away?

With each passing day since the New Hampshire primary, it appears Republicans are beginning to rally around Mitt Romney. For most of the primary season he failed to reach more than 25%, but according to new polling done within the last week, that has changed.

Romney 37%
Santorum 14%
Gingrich 13%
Paul 12%
Perry 5%
Huntsman 3%
Other 1% 1/15/12

South Carolina GOP Primary

Mitt Romney 32%
Newt Gingrich 23%
Rick Santorum 14%
Undecided 12%
Ron Paul 10%
Rick Perry 6%
Jon Huntsman 4%

New Frontier Strategy poll

Huntsman To Drop Out Of Presidential Race

As expected, John Huntsman will be dropping out of the Republican Presidential race tomorrow at 11 AM eastern time. He will then pledge his support for Mitt Romney.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Arizona GOP Primary

Mitt Romney 41%
Undecided 25%
Rick Santorum 14%
Newt Gingrich 9%
Rick Perry 5%
Ron Paul 4%
Jon Huntsman 2%

Rocky Mountain Poll

Election 2012: Florida Republican Primary

Romney 41%
Gingrich 19%
Santorum 15%

Election 2012: South Carolina Republican Primary

Romney 28%
Gingrich 21%
Santorum 16%
Paul 16%

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Hampshire Predictions

With voting currently underway in the first in the nation primary of New Hampshire, the race appears to be more focused on whom will finish second, considering Mitt Romneys commanding lead in nearly every single poll conducted in the state since the process began nearly a year ago. Much has happened in terms of momentum in the last 48 hours. Despite what much of the news is reporting, the Sunday morning Meet the Press debate was very damaging to Romney. A less than expected showing in New Hampshire could give fuel to the effect of his inability to solidly answer some of the more pressing questions in that debate. A candidate seen as underperforming will see a hit in the coming states polls. If Romney solidly wins New Hampshire with more than 40% of the vote, he will then have met expectations set for him by the media and will temporarily silence critics who claim he has taken some damage. If he finishes less than 34%, he is in trouble. Remember, South Carolina is the most important state for Romney, and it is next up following New Hampshire. A win there seals the nomination for him. Period. So with that said, here are the predictions of how tonights vote will play out.

1st-Mitt Romney
2nd-John Huntsman
3rd-Ron Paul
4th-Newt Gingrich
5th-Rick Santorum
6th-Rick Perry

The closest battles will be between 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th. The first group will be between the 15%-25% range. The 2nd group will be between the 8%-14% range.

Possible Suprise Candidate-John Huntsman

Huntsmans main goal isn't to win, but to exceed expectations. A second place fininsh with more than 20% of the vote would be exceeding expectations. Anything less than 12-15% and a 2nd, possibly close competitve 3rd, and he will be out of the race within a week.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Republican Presidential Primary

New shake up in the current national Republican standings. Gingrich falls, Romney and Santorum rise coming out of their strong performances in Iowa.

National GOP Poll:

Romney 29%
Santorum 21%
Gingrich 16%

Very Effective Ad From The Romney Camp

South Carolina: The last stand for anti-Romney

New polling out of South Carolina should spark some fear in the eyes of the Anti-Romney camp. Romney will win New Hampshire. The following state is South Carolina, a state he struggled in in 2008. If he were to win South Carolina, it would be nearly impossible for any of his opponents to halt his momentum or continue to raise money to qualify for future states. The main problem for many of the candidates is qualifying for future contests such as Virginia. Only Romney and Paul got the 10,000 signitures and were able to qualify. All of the other candidates will not be on the ballot and won't be able to win any delegates. It takes a very good organization to secure your name on the ballot in many of these states, and without a good grassroots following and ground game, most all of the candidates, except Romney and Paul, appear poised to not make the cut. The Anti-Romney goal should be to rally around one conservative candidate out of the three ramining (Santorum, Gingrich, and Perry) coming out of New Hampshire. That would give them the best shot of beating Romney in South Carolina, thus allowing time to raise more money heading into the following states of Florida and Nevada.

South Carolina Primary:

Romney 27%
Santorum 24%
Gingrich 18%

New Hampshire Republican Primary

The New Hampshire primary is less than a week away, and each of the remaining candidates is doing their best to make their case against the current front runner Mitt Romney. Unfortunately for all of them, they have zero chance (unless Romney completely falls on his face in both of the lead in debates) of getting Romney under 30%. The key battle is for second place. Ron Paul appears to have a solid footing with roughly 16-20% of the New Hampshire electorate, and if Santorum and Gingrich continue to split the remaining conservative vote, Paul should secure the second spot.

New Hampshire Republican Primary

Romney 42%
Paul 18%
Santorum 13%
Huntsman 12%

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Iowa Polling

With only one day left before the Iowa caucus officially starts, the race is still wide open. At this point it all comes down to who has the best organization and can get their supporters out to vote. Much depends on the weather. If the weather is bad, the candidate with the most loyal supporters will win. That candidate would be Ron Paul. However, as I reported earlier last week, a shift seems to be taking place, and conservative evangelical voters appear to be rallying around Rick Santorum. It would not be a shocker in the slightest if Santorum pulled out the victory. At this time, the three candidates whom appear in position to win in Iowa are Romney, Paul, and Santorum. Gingrich has played himself out of the running in Iowa due to millions spent by his rivals on negative ads, and the remaining candidates simply lack the grassroots support to make any serious push in the final day. Look for Michelle Bachmann to drop out of the race in the next two weeks due to a shortage of funds and a poor showing in Iowa.

Ron Paul 20%
Mitt Romney 19%
Rick Santorum 18%
Newt Gingrich 14%
Rick Perry 10%
Michele Bachmann 8%
Jon Huntsman 4%
Undecided 4%
Buddy Roemer 2%

Public Policy Polling