Monday, January 2, 2012

New Iowa Polling

With only one day left before the Iowa caucus officially starts, the race is still wide open. At this point it all comes down to who has the best organization and can get their supporters out to vote. Much depends on the weather. If the weather is bad, the candidate with the most loyal supporters will win. That candidate would be Ron Paul. However, as I reported earlier last week, a shift seems to be taking place, and conservative evangelical voters appear to be rallying around Rick Santorum. It would not be a shocker in the slightest if Santorum pulled out the victory. At this time, the three candidates whom appear in position to win in Iowa are Romney, Paul, and Santorum. Gingrich has played himself out of the running in Iowa due to millions spent by his rivals on negative ads, and the remaining candidates simply lack the grassroots support to make any serious push in the final day. Look for Michelle Bachmann to drop out of the race in the next two weeks due to a shortage of funds and a poor showing in Iowa.

Ron Paul 20%
Mitt Romney 19%
Rick Santorum 18%
Newt Gingrich 14%
Rick Perry 10%
Michele Bachmann 8%
Jon Huntsman 4%
Undecided 4%
Buddy Roemer 2%

Public Policy Polling

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